![]() Strategic PartnerThe National Union of Liability InsurersThe National Union of Liability Insurers (NULI) is a non-profit organisation, the only Russian professional association of insurers that carry out the compulsory general and employers’ liability insurance of an owner of a hazardous object for damages in case of an accident involving a hazardous object according to Federal Law No. 225-FZ and/or the compulsory liability insurance of a carrier for damages to life, health, property of passengers according to Federal Law No. 67-FZ and acts to ensure cooperation, as well as the formation, control and execution of standards and rules of professional activity in the implementation of compulsory insurance. The Union was established on 09 July, 2005, under the aegis of the All-Russian Insurance Association by 26 leading Russian insurance organisations. Currently NULI includes 46 insurance organisations. All of them take up leading positions in the compulsory liability insurance market. The compensation funds for each class of compulsory liability insurance were formed in NULI. By the end of 2015 the volume of the compensation fund of the compulsory general and employers’ liability insurance of an owner of a hazardous object for damages in case of an accident involving a hazardous object amounted to 1 billion roubles; the volume of the compensation fund of the compulsory liability insurance of a carrier for damages to life, health, property of passengers – 320 million roubles. NULI as part of its professional activity cooperates with the Russian Federation government authorities, in particular, with the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation, the Federal Financial Markets Service, the Ministry of the Russian Federation for Civil Defence, Emergencies and Elimination of Consequences of Natural Disasters, the Federal Environmental, Industrial and Nuclear Supervision Service of Russia, the Federal Agency for Water Resources, the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment of the Russian Federation as well as with non-governmental organisations and associations of insurers, including the All-Russian Insurance Association and the Russian Association of Motor Insurers. 27 bid. 3, Lusinovskaya str, Moscow, Russia, 115093 |
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