Thematic Partner

OJSC Insurance Group MSK

OJSC Insurance Group MSK is currently the eighth largest insurance company in Russia with over 6 000 stuff members. The company’s charter capital is the biggest in Russian insurance market, reaching 9.5 billion rubles. The company offers a wide selection of client-oriented insurance services, including motor insurance, green card, property and third party liability insurance, voluntary medical insurance, travel insurance, accident insurance and a comprehensive range of services for corporate clients.

Insurance Group MSK belongs to a range of professional associations including All-Russian Union of Insurers, Russian Association of Motor Insurers, Russian Association of Aviation and Space Insurers, National Association of Industrial Safety Liability Insurers, etc.

In February 2011 VTB Bank bought Moscow government’s share in Bank of Moscow and Metropolitan Insurance Group acquiring 46.48% stakes of the former and 25% plus one stake of the latter. Insurance Group MSK has joined VTB Group as a full-fledged partner. The company belongs to a holding managed by Metropolitan Insurance Group (under the control of VTB Bank and Bank of Moscow), together with MSK Life, Moscow Re and Sovita.

The company’s products are developed on the basis of thoroughly analyzed clients needs and experts recommendations. Flexible approach to tariffs and partner relationships with the most prominent banks, insurance brokers, car dealers and car service centers make it possible to offer both VIP and economy products. 

Being renowned for its hi-tech innovations and dynamic development, the company consistently invests in state-of-the-art operational systems, including SAP and TIA insurance system, which allows it to improve the service quality and optimize the operations.

Recognizing its responsibility for the clients’ well-being, Insurance Group MSK has introduced well-functioning business processes to handle claims in timely fashion. The company’s own average commissioner service and a broad network of partners for loss adjustment (car service stations and centers, average commissioner and car towing service companies) throughout the country helps it to resolve claim handling issues without delays.

The insurance portfolio is currently being optimized, the service programs are being improved and fraud protection tools are being enhanced. In 2012, Insurance Group MSK looks to develop existing sales channels and to add new ones, as well as to introduce new marketing programs for retail and corporate clients. Meanwhile, well-balanced tariff setting riles, sticking to high-tech innovations and meeting its commitments to both clients and partners remain the company’s priorities.

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