![]() Special Thematic PartnerAssociation of Life InsurersThe first professional organization uniting life insurers in Russia, “Association of Life Insurers” (here and after ALI) was registered November 24, 2010. The President of the Association is Alexander Zaretskiy, the President of ZAO “ALICO”. ALI’s priority goals are further life insurance market development, its expansion and widening of services’ and products’ lines; market participants’ reliability and professionalism development; legislation and industry regulation refinement for higher life insurance services attractiveness and possibility of new modern insurance products’ creation; life insurance concept popularization and escalation of insurance industry literacy of Russian people. Since 2011 the Association has been editing and publishing an Annual report presenting the results of the industry activity of the previous year. It contains the fullest analytical information on the life insurance market, including unequalled key financial indexes’ analysis and market development trends. In collaboration with Life insurance Committee of the Russian Insurers Union the Association members has worked out the life insurance market development strategy for the future 10 years. In addition, a great job was made in terms of interaction with the state and regulatory bodies and other institutions aimed at further market development in Russia in the framework of the Russian President commission accomplishment. As of January 21, 2013, the Association counts 16 insurance companies: ZAO «ALICO Insurance Company», ÎÎÎ «SK «Allianz ROSNO Zhizn’», ZÀÎ «SK «MSK-Life», ÎÎÎ «Generali PPF Strakhovanie zhizni», ÎÎÎ "SK "Rosgosstrakh- Zhizn’", ÎÎÎ "SK " Renaissance Zhizn’", ÎÎÎ "NSG Strakhovanie zhizni ", ÎÎÎ "SK SOGAZ- Zhizn’", ÎÎÎ «Obshchestvo Strakhovaniya Zhizni «Rossia», ÎÎÎ "SKOR PERESTRAKHOVANIE", ÎÎÎ «ERGO Zhizn’», ÎÎÎ «Strakhovoe Obshchestvo Truboprovodnogo Transporta», OOO “Sberbank Strakhovanie”, OOO “SK SiV Life”, OOO “SK “Raiffeisen Life”, ZAO “SK Yugoria-Zhizn” and 2 associate members: ÎÎÎ "Towers watson", ÎÀÎ Belorusskiy narodniy strakhovoy pensionniy fond". ALI maintains strong relationship with other public organizations, primarily with the Russian Insurers Union. It also actively interacts with the state and regulatory bodies, among which are the Finance Ministry of the Russian Federation and FCSM of the Russian Federation.
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