![]() PartnerERGOERGO is one of the leading insurance companies in Europe and Russia. ERGO Group was founded in 1997 by fusion of Victoria, DKV, D.A.S. and Hamburg-Mannheimer. The main shareholder of ERGO is Munich Re, one of the world's leading reinsurers (99,69%). 50 000 people in more than 30 countries in Europe and Asia work full-time for the Group. 40 million customers currently buy the services provided by ERGO and its companies. ERGO in Russia operates in both non-life and life insurance markets. ERGO in Russia remains no. 1 in the Green Card market and one of the 30 Russian leading insurance companies (Expert RA). ERGO is a member of the All-Russian Insurers Union, The Russian Association of Motor Insurers, Union of German Economy in the Russian Federation, Association of European Businesses, Association of Life Insurers and other insurance and business organizations. In order to protect the customers’ interests ERGO cooperates with the world leading reinsurers, such as Munich Re, Swiss Re and Partner Re. ERGO companies are striving to be the customer’s partner when explaining what exactly should be insured and why. ERGO is following the conservative business policy concerning the risk measurement and is developing in accordance with the long-term strategy. ERGO in RussiaGeneral director – Alexander May JSIC “ERGO Russ”
LLC “ERGO Zhisn”
ERGOGeneral director - Torsten Oletzky
Munich ReGeneral director - Nikolaus von Bomhard
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